Did you see the Extreme Coupon show on TLC last night? These people are incredible! Computerizing their grocery lists to the point of knowing how much they will pay after coupons. I am just amazed. DUMPSTER DIVING for coupons!! Now that is just crazy...but that's what Joanie did and her grocery bill went from $658 to $2!!!! What about the lady who rang people's doorbells for ther coupons or took them off their front porch since they didnt bring them inside. She even would walk down the store aisles and say to other shoppers "I hope you have a coupon for that"
So for 2011 my New Years Resolution is to get more groceries for free with extreme couponing!!
Thursday, December 30, 2010
Tuesday, December 28, 2010
I love being stuck inside with 29 inches of snow
Let it snow Let it snow Let it snow is what I say!!! This past Sunday my little town in Staten Island was hit with 29 inches of snow. I don't mind being stuck inside. I have a ton of things to keep me busy and plenty of food to last through the weekend.
This is the worst I have seen since the Blizzard of 96. I think the sanitation department is on a slow down because many of the streets have not even been plowed. Cars have been left wherever they got stuck and even some of the plows are getting stuck. I feel bad for all the people stuck in airports who have already been there a few days and still have to wait to get a flight.
Well I hope everyone stays warm and has a healthy and happy New Year!!
This is the worst I have seen since the Blizzard of 96. I think the sanitation department is on a slow down because many of the streets have not even been plowed. Cars have been left wherever they got stuck and even some of the plows are getting stuck. I feel bad for all the people stuck in airports who have already been there a few days and still have to wait to get a flight.
Well I hope everyone stays warm and has a healthy and happy New Year!!
Wednesday, December 22, 2010
Our 1st attempt at homeade sugar cookies
For many years I have always wanted to make homeade cookies with my kids. We have baked together before but we always used a betty crocker mix. The kids had so much fun making these cookies. Although they did keep fighting over whose turn it was to roll out the dough or which cookie cutters to use. I found a very simple recipe for rolled sugar cookie dough and royal icing on Glorious Treats she has some really beautiful cookies
After making these cookies I can really appreciate why the bakeries in my neighborhood charge so much for a decorated cookie. If you want a nice looking cookie it takes a lot of time. Well I have 2 more days til Christmas and I want to bake up a storm if I can fit it into my schedule.
Monday, December 20, 2010
Free medium cup of Kris Kringle coffee at Quick Check
Head on over to the Quick Check facebook page Here to score a free coupon for a free medium cup of Kris Kringle coffee. I haven't had a chance to try it yet but I heard they can't keep enough of it brewing. Enjoy!
Monday, December 13, 2010
Free Yoplait yogurt
Yoplait is giving away a million coupons for a free cup of original yogurt. Head on over HERE to grab your free cup of Yoplait yogurt. Limit one coupon per household. You can even send your friends a coupon!
I have no luck!!!
I am beginning to hate the month of December! I am just not in the Christmas mood this year. Money is very tight and it just seems like we keep gettng hit from all ends. Babysitting has not been steady which is making me very nervous. Since October all of our cars (we have 3) needed some kind of work and they all needed new batteries. Did you know that a battery cost $125 bucks a pop? When did the price change from $50? What car needs an inspection or regstration renewal. Heat had to be repaired. Now our main computer has some type of virus that I can't fix. UUUGGGHHH!! The list goes on and on.
This recession is really teaching me how important it is to have a nest egg to fall back on when times are tough and for all the little murphies in our lives that pop up unexpectedly. (As Dave Ramsey call them) I just need to figure out how to start that nest egg.
This recession is really teaching me how important it is to have a nest egg to fall back on when times are tough and for all the little murphies in our lives that pop up unexpectedly. (As Dave Ramsey call them) I just need to figure out how to start that nest egg.
Tuesday, December 7, 2010
Homeade or store bought is the question for today
As I am sure you all know Christmas is not very far away. I have been racking my brains to come up with ideas for gifts that are thoughtful, useful, & nice. I normally go out and buy boxes of candy or cookies for my neighbors, co workers, teachers etc. This year I have that Italian disease MYFUNDSARELOW! I really like baking and making treats. I was thinking maybe this year I can make some peppermint or movie bark, cranberry pistachio biscotti, and maybe some oreo truffles. Michaels craft stoe has some really nice boxes and all over blog world are some really nice printable labels and tags I can use. What do you think? Be honest and let me know what you think you would like to receive or if you know of some other idea.
Tuesday, November 30, 2010
What's on the Menu
I hate cooking! My kids are like finicky cats so what's the point of cooking? If it were up to me I would have breakfast everyday for dinner. Mr. Amazing won't go for that. What's wrong with a big bowl of cereal? It has milk. Enough of my ranting...this is What's on the Menu for this week:
Monday: Chili over white rice (Plain browned meat for my son)
Tuesday: Fried chicken cutlets, broccoli, and roasted potatoes
Wednesday: Hotdogs & fries
Thursday: Roast Beef, baked potato, green beans (chicken nuggets for my daughter)
Friday: Leftovers
Saturday: Spaghetti & meatballs
Sunday: Surprise party for Mr. Amazing's friend
Monday: Chili over white rice (Plain browned meat for my son)
Tuesday: Fried chicken cutlets, broccoli, and roasted potatoes
Wednesday: Hotdogs & fries
Thursday: Roast Beef, baked potato, green beans (chicken nuggets for my daughter)
Friday: Leftovers
Saturday: Spaghetti & meatballs
Sunday: Surprise party for Mr. Amazing's friend
Wednesday, November 24, 2010
I am a WINNER!!!!
I am so excited!! What a way to end my birthday week. I haven't won a blog giveaway in a long while. This past Sunday I was notified that I won 2 tickets to see Miss. Abigail's Guide to Dating, Mating, & Marriage starring Eve Plum (Jan Brady of the Brady Bunch) from Chic Sassy Mom. You can head over Here to see what the show is about. In order to enter the contest you had to write in about a first date or the worst date you ever been on. You can head over to here to see my winning entry (just scroll down. So Mr. Amazing is coming with with this Saturday afternoon to see the show. I will be doing a review and guest post on Chic Sassy Mom sometime next week.
Tuesday, November 23, 2010
What's on the Menu
This is my favorite week of the year! Turkey day and lots of leftovers = no cooking for a few days. Well actually we are going to cook a little. I want Mr. Amazing to make turkey soup and turkey potpie. So here is week number two for What's on the menu.
Monday: Eating out for friends retirement dinner
Tuesday: Meatball Parm sandwiches
Wednesday: Breakfast for dinner
Thursday: Turkey with all the trimmings
Friday: Turkey soup with some crusty bread
Saturday: Turkey potpie
Sunday: Leftover tukey whatever!
Monday: Eating out for friends retirement dinner
Tuesday: Meatball Parm sandwiches
Wednesday: Breakfast for dinner
Thursday: Turkey with all the trimmings
Friday: Turkey soup with some crusty bread
Saturday: Turkey potpie
Sunday: Leftover tukey whatever!
Tuesday, November 16, 2010
It's my Birthday today!!!
Well another year has gone by and the list still goes on and on of all the things I haven't done. For the first time ever I actually am not that excited about my birthday. Usually I hint for days on end before my special day and I still make a list of the things I want ( I am such a child!) This year I think reality has set in. Times are getting tougher and tougher, not just for my family but for alot of people I know. I tried telling Mr. Amazing not to get me anything but that won't fly with him. So instead of asking for things I probably really don't need, I asked for things I really could get use out of like a month of Zumba class. I love Zumba and would go everyday if I could but I can't afford to spend $10.00 a class. It may not seem that much but if I went 4 times a week that adds up. I also asked for a membership to Weight Watchers. I know I must be crazy to ask for something like that but it's not free and would save me money if it was gifted. I need a swift kick in the pants to get me motivated to lose weight. Anyway, I can't believe how many people already Facebooked me Birthday wishes. I really feel special.
Monday, November 15, 2010
My 1st What's on the Menu
In an effort to save money and stop wasting food I decided to start posting my weekly menu and calling it What's on the Menu. I have been trying to write a menu and sticking it to the fridge and then I just throw them out. I think if I post the menu on my blog then I can go back to it anytime I want. These past few months I really have been learning alot about how to save more money. One of the biggest expenses I really need to cut back on is my grocery bill. I spend anywhere between $900-$1200 a month for my family of 4 and 1 pet. That does include personal care items & household cleaners. It amazes me how some families like the woman on Grocery Cart Challenge blog can spend $50 a week for her family. I can cook but I HATE cooking and I usually make the same things because my kids are sooooo picky(just like me). Mr. Amazing does most of the cooking around here. He is always watching the cooking channels and he is a phoenominal cook. He should really be a chef. He likes that I post a menu and then he knows what to make. The only problem I have with him is that when he wants something particular or wants to try a new recipe he doesn't care how much it costs. We can't shop like that and we should have never shopped like that. It is a hard habit I am trying to break (for him). I have tried to explain to him that we need to eat what's on sale and to stock up when it's on sale. We can't eat beef everyday and the clan here doesn't really care for chicken too much. So here is What's on the Menu this week for us:
Monday: Breakfast (pancakes, sausage, and hashbrowns) Mr. Amazing has a retirement dinner to go to so it's just me and the kiddies. I love breakfast anytime of the day
Tuesday: Chicken Marsala over noodles with a side of green beans (It's my birthday and that's my request)
Wednesday: Chicken cutlets, yellow rice, and broccoli
Thursday: Homeade Pasta Fagioli
Friday: Leftovers
Saturday: The kids and I have 2 parties to attend.....soooo Mr. Amazing is on his own for dinner
Sunday: Spaghetti and meatballs
Monday: Breakfast (pancakes, sausage, and hashbrowns) Mr. Amazing has a retirement dinner to go to so it's just me and the kiddies. I love breakfast anytime of the day
Tuesday: Chicken Marsala over noodles with a side of green beans (It's my birthday and that's my request)
Wednesday: Chicken cutlets, yellow rice, and broccoli
Thursday: Homeade Pasta Fagioli
Friday: Leftovers
Saturday: The kids and I have 2 parties to attend.....soooo Mr. Amazing is on his own for dinner
Sunday: Spaghetti and meatballs
Friday, November 12, 2010
My first attempt at making a dessert table
I can't believe I forgot to post this 2 weeks ago! So I have been blogging now since January and I follow about 300 blogs. Blogging for me has become so addicting for me, that I barely watch tv anymore or read my beloved magazines. I have to say some of my favorite blogs are the ones who give free downloads of paper party decorations, freebies, and easy diy crafts.. (I am craft handicapped) I see so many pictures of color coordinated party tables that it has inspired me to make my own. Of course I am always a last minute kind of gal because money is always tight and I just can never find enough time to actually plan out something. For Halloween I decided to make a surprise dessert table for the kids after school on Halloween. They loved it!! I would have liked to do a little more but I threw this all together that morning with what I had to use around the house. I did purchase some things the day before and spent a minimal amount of money. The look on their faces was priceless.
Thursday, November 11, 2010
My keratin hair treatment review
When it comes to my hair I did it all (to an extent)! I have colored, highlighted, permed, teased, straightened, curled and braided these lovely locks.(one of my best features in my book) The only thing I have not done is gone short. Well maybe when I was 8 years old because I wanted to look like Dorothy Hammil. The past few years I have noticed that my body has changed along with my hair. I styled and washed it the way I have always done but lately my curly hair just doesnt come out right. I have tried every product under the sun to make my curls soft and frizz free. I started straightening my hair with a flat iron because it looked better. With straightening your hair comes heat damage and split ends. So I decided to bite the bullet and get the Brazilian keratin hair treatment. My husband had purchased a gift card for me last Christmas to get it done.
I decided on the Brazilian Keratin Treatment because it's a process that is suppose to leave your hair smooth, low maintenance and frizz free. It's great for those with hair that tends to be frizzy and responds to humidity poorly, such as mine, and it also gives a lot of added shine to your hair, so it makes it look a lot healthier.
My hairdresser explained to me that it should last about 3-4 months depending how often you wash your hair. This tratment gradually comes of the hair naturally. So I would assume that if you are a person who doesn't shampoo very often, you may be in luck and it will last longer. The cost for this treatment which takes about two to two and a half hours will run about $300+ depending on the length of your hair. You also need to purchase a special shampoo that is sulfate free. Otherwise you risk the keratin washing out real quick. You would be looking at spending close to $500 with tip. I have long hair (not super long) and my bill came out to $476 with the shampoo. I actually paid $75.68 with the tip out of my pocket thanks to that gift card I had. Thank god!!
The Brazilian Keratin treatment I had, a very light smell. It actually smelled like a really nice shampoo. I did notice a dull smell for the three days following the treatment, but it wasn't that bad.
I got to the salon at 3:30. The hairdresser talked to me about what to expect, looked at my hair so he could gauge my hair's condition and it's texture, and told me that I would love my hair when she was done with it. He took me back to a shampoo chair where he washed my hair 2x with a clarifying shampoo, to make it more porous so the product can get penetrate the the hair shaft more deeply.
When my hair was clean he took me back to the styling chair where he thoroughly blow dried. He went and mixed up the Brazilian concoction and came back, pinning my hair in sections and painting on the mixture with a brush until it was thoroughly saturated.
He then set a timer for twenty minutes, and I sat there and tinkered with my phone and facebooked! He came back after the twenty minutes was up blew dry my hair again with the product still in. My hair looked amazing!! So shiny and full and flippy. BUT.....I was disappointed because he then had to flat iron my hair to set the keratin. It was poker straight not exactly what I wanted. He assured me it wouldn't be like this once I wash it and style myself in a few days.
He also advised that it was very important that I not get my hair wet or wash it for the next 72 hours. 3 DAYS!! That was killer. My hair tends to get oily after 2 days. I also was advised to get it wet (but if I did then just to blow dry completely) He also told me to try not to put in any clips and if I really had to then to use a scrunchy. Oh I almost forgot...I can't color or highlight for 10 days.
When he was done flat ironing, I couldn't believe how amazingly healthy my hair looked. Plus it was straight - really straight! Too straight for me. I just kept saying to myself it will look different once I do it myself. Thank god I had no where to go for 3 days.
My hair really looked good when I left the salon, however, the flatness was really hard for me to deal with. And it looked a bit duller and even flatter the next day and by day 3 my hair felt so gross and oily. So, the 4th day FINALLY came, and I washed my hair with my special sodium laurel sulfate free shampoo. By the way, sodium is what takes the product out of the hair faster, so you cannot use any products with sodium based ingredients in them either.
I wanted to see how my hair would look curly so I blew it dry. I was too cheap to buy any style product even though the hairdresser said I can use any kind and I didnt use anything except shampoo and conditioner. Blow drying with a diffuser only took 3 minutes. Can you believe it? Normally that would have taken me about 12 - 15 minutes and I definately would have had to use mousse or gel. It did look pretty good and wasn't poker straight . It wasn't very curly either. It kind of looked like tousled hair. It was shiny, frizz free and it had a really healthy look to it and felt silky smooth to the touch. As of now I am happy to say I am glad I got it done. Next I am going to try to blow it straight to see how long it takes and how much body I have. I will post pics in a few days to follow up with this review.
![]() |
After the treatment |
When it comes to my hair I did it all (to an extent)! I have colored, highlighted, permed, teased, straightened, curled and braided these lovely locks.(one of my best features in my book) The only thing I have not done is gone short. Well maybe when I was 8 years old because I wanted to look like Dorothy Hammil. The past few years I have noticed that my body has changed along with my hair. I styled and washed it the way I have always done but lately my curly hair just doesnt come out right. I have tried every product under the sun to make my curls soft and frizz free. I started straightening my hair with a flat iron because it looked better. With straightening your hair comes heat damage and split ends. So I decided to bite the bullet and get the Brazilian keratin hair treatment. My husband had purchased a gift card for me last Christmas to get it done.
I decided on the Brazilian Keratin Treatment because it's a process that is suppose to leave your hair smooth, low maintenance and frizz free. It's great for those with hair that tends to be frizzy and responds to humidity poorly, such as mine, and it also gives a lot of added shine to your hair, so it makes it look a lot healthier.
My hairdresser explained to me that it should last about 3-4 months depending how often you wash your hair. This tratment gradually comes of the hair naturally. So I would assume that if you are a person who doesn't shampoo very often, you may be in luck and it will last longer. The cost for this treatment which takes about two to two and a half hours will run about $300+ depending on the length of your hair. You also need to purchase a special shampoo that is sulfate free. Otherwise you risk the keratin washing out real quick. You would be looking at spending close to $500 with tip. I have long hair (not super long) and my bill came out to $476 with the shampoo. I actually paid $75.68 with the tip out of my pocket thanks to that gift card I had. Thank god!!
The Brazilian Keratin treatment I had, a very light smell. It actually smelled like a really nice shampoo. I did notice a dull smell for the three days following the treatment, but it wasn't that bad.
I got to the salon at 3:30. The hairdresser talked to me about what to expect, looked at my hair so he could gauge my hair's condition and it's texture, and told me that I would love my hair when she was done with it. He took me back to a shampoo chair where he washed my hair 2x with a clarifying shampoo, to make it more porous so the product can get penetrate the the hair shaft more deeply.
When my hair was clean he took me back to the styling chair where he thoroughly blow dried. He went and mixed up the Brazilian concoction and came back, pinning my hair in sections and painting on the mixture with a brush until it was thoroughly saturated.
He then set a timer for twenty minutes, and I sat there and tinkered with my phone and facebooked! He came back after the twenty minutes was up blew dry my hair again with the product still in. My hair looked amazing!! So shiny and full and flippy. BUT.....I was disappointed because he then had to flat iron my hair to set the keratin. It was poker straight not exactly what I wanted. He assured me it wouldn't be like this once I wash it and style myself in a few days.
He also advised that it was very important that I not get my hair wet or wash it for the next 72 hours. 3 DAYS!! That was killer. My hair tends to get oily after 2 days. I also was advised to get it wet (but if I did then just to blow dry completely) He also told me to try not to put in any clips and if I really had to then to use a scrunchy. Oh I almost forgot...I can't color or highlight for 10 days.
When he was done flat ironing, I couldn't believe how amazingly healthy my hair looked. Plus it was straight - really straight! Too straight for me. I just kept saying to myself it will look different once I do it myself. Thank god I had no where to go for 3 days.
My hair really looked good when I left the salon, however, the flatness was really hard for me to deal with. And it looked a bit duller and even flatter the next day and by day 3 my hair felt so gross and oily. So, the 4th day FINALLY came, and I washed my hair with my special sodium laurel sulfate free shampoo. By the way, sodium is what takes the product out of the hair faster, so you cannot use any products with sodium based ingredients in them either.
I wanted to see how my hair would look curly so I blew it dry. I was too cheap to buy any style product even though the hairdresser said I can use any kind and I didnt use anything except shampoo and conditioner. Blow drying with a diffuser only took 3 minutes. Can you believe it? Normally that would have taken me about 12 - 15 minutes and I definately would have had to use mousse or gel. It did look pretty good and wasn't poker straight . It wasn't very curly either. It kind of looked like tousled hair. It was shiny, frizz free and it had a really healthy look to it and felt silky smooth to the touch. As of now I am happy to say I am glad I got it done. Next I am going to try to blow it straight to see how long it takes and how much body I have. I will post pics in a few days to follow up with this review.
Wednesday, November 10, 2010
Thursday, November 4, 2010
Random Act of Kindness
So I was dumbfounded tonight by a random act of kindness. Little Lucy and I had went to Bed Bath & Beyond to buy some sheets. As we were on line there was a couple paying for their items. The gentleman was extremely happy and very talkative. I had asked Little Lucy to pass me a book that I wanted to take a peek at when this man looked at her and asked if she liked to read. I had told him that she loves reading and reads everyday. He became even more happy, took her hand and put money in it and siad buy yourself a book! Of course I told him ohh thank you but no thanks it wasn't necessary. He insisted and then proceeded to say how reading is great and can you just let me hear ya say hoo ra. Little Lucy and I just stared at each other in shock and she was blushing. So I whispered to her to say hoo ra and she did. As he was on the way out the door he said Happy Holidays and God Bless.
Bless his heart for being so kind and generous. Although I thought it was strange and how do you explain something like that to your kid about taking something from a stranger? As strange as we thought it was, it did put a smile on both of our faces. Something like that makes me want to pa it forward to someone else to make their day. I almost forgot....it was $9.00 he handed her. Must have been his change from his order
Bless his heart for being so kind and generous. Although I thought it was strange and how do you explain something like that to your kid about taking something from a stranger? As strange as we thought it was, it did put a smile on both of our faces. Something like that makes me want to pa it forward to someone else to make their day. I almost forgot....it was $9.00 he handed her. Must have been his change from his order
Amazing Electronic event at Walmart this weekend
Head on over to Walmart this weekend for their Amazing Electronic Event. You can grab a $50.00 I-tunes gift card for $35.00. In store only and limit 2. They also have other great deals on Tv's, Playstation, and laptops.
Wednesday, November 3, 2010
Halloween pics & election day
It was a very chilly and windy day on Halloween but they both came home with a ton of candy. I was going to post a picture of myself with them but I thought i looked good and I thought i felt good but when I seen the picture all I saw was a big ole MOOSE! I need to find the will to stick to a diet & exercise but I am just stuck in this terrible rut.
I hope everyone had an enjoyable Halloween. On another note...I just worked for the Board of Elections yesterday. I am the coordinator of the polling site I was at. I put in an 18 hour day! 2ooo voters came out and I worked like a dog. I had to deal with clueless poll workers, broken down machines, and angry voters. Needless to say I am am exhausted today. I thought I was going to have an easy day just watching the 2 & 3 YEAR OLD. BUT NOOOOOOOOO! The Universe seems to always work against me. All was going ok up until I dropped off the kids at school. The two boys I babysit jumped out of the car and then my daughter. When I went to give her a kiss she had big crocodile tears. She said her stomach hurt. Ok lets go home with the other 2 year old I babysit and pick up the 3 year old from her mom (the mom is a teacher at our school) The mom tells me her child is getting sick AGAIN. OHHH JUST WONDERFUL!!!! I go home with 3 kids and we all get settled. Then the phone rings "Hello Mrs. Amazing we have your son here in the office and he claims he just threw up." At that point all I can say is ok be there in twenty minutes. FML!!! Load all the kids back up and pick up my son. nothing is getting done here today and I cant wait to go to bed.
I hope everyone had an enjoyable Halloween. On another note...I just worked for the Board of Elections yesterday. I am the coordinator of the polling site I was at. I put in an 18 hour day! 2ooo voters came out and I worked like a dog. I had to deal with clueless poll workers, broken down machines, and angry voters. Needless to say I am am exhausted today. I thought I was going to have an easy day just watching the 2 & 3 YEAR OLD. BUT NOOOOOOOOO! The Universe seems to always work against me. All was going ok up until I dropped off the kids at school. The two boys I babysit jumped out of the car and then my daughter. When I went to give her a kiss she had big crocodile tears. She said her stomach hurt. Ok lets go home with the other 2 year old I babysit and pick up the 3 year old from her mom (the mom is a teacher at our school) The mom tells me her child is getting sick AGAIN. OHHH JUST WONDERFUL!!!! I go home with 3 kids and we all get settled. Then the phone rings "Hello Mrs. Amazing we have your son here in the office and he claims he just threw up." At that point all I can say is ok be there in twenty minutes. FML!!! Load all the kids back up and pick up my son. nothing is getting done here today and I cant wait to go to bed.
Thursday, October 28, 2010
Tuesday, October 26, 2010
Free Sample of Kotex
Click over HERE to get your free sample of Kotex. Thanks Living Rich With Coupons!
Tuesday, October 19, 2010
I love Swagbucks!!!
I am always skeptical of those surveys for money or earn points for rewards. BUT..I have to say...I am very impressed with Swagbucks. I have only been blogging since January and I probably signed up for Swagbucks in March. To date I earned enough points for $20.00 worth of Amazon gift cards. You can use your points for a variety of items and gift cards but I think the Amazon cards are your best bet. Once I ordered my Amazon gift cards and get the confirmation number, I then copy the number into my Amazon account. I know have $20.00 sitting in my account just waiting to be spent. I am going to order my first Christmas gift with that for my daughter. She desperately wants a Pillow Pet. I am so psyched!! A free gift all for just installing the Swagbucks toolbar and using it for all of my searches on the web.
There are many other ways to earn more points...like taking surveys, buying stuff through their affiliates, etc etc. Because I have the Swagbuck toolbar installed I get swagbucks everyday just for logging into the internet. I highly recommend everyone to use Swagbucks. It' so easy and so worth it. My goal is to start using it more often to earn more. If you like you can go through my referral link to learn more about Swagbucks and to help me earn more points. SIGN UP HERE . They will even give you 30 bucks to start!! Try it out...it can't hurt. The more you search or utilize Swagbucks the faster the points add up to claim your SWAG.
I figured if I dont use my Amazon cards for gifts then I am going to use them for my K-cups for the Keurig coffee maker that I LOVE!! Don't wait....go and check it out.
Wednesday, October 13, 2010
Trade-In your old games for new ones at Toys R Us
Now through Saturday, October 16, Toys“R”Us and Babies“R”Us stores nationwide will offer customers the chance to trade-in any used board game (in any condition!) in exchange for a 30% coupon on a new Hasbro game during the Hasbro Big Board Game Trade-In Event.
From the fine print I read in the Toys R Us ad, you can trade in as many games as you want but you will only receive one coupon. This is a great way to get rid of all your old games and not having to worry about filling up your trash can.
From the fine print I read in the Toys R Us ad, you can trade in as many games as you want but you will only receive one coupon. This is a great way to get rid of all your old games and not having to worry about filling up your trash can.
Tuesday, October 12, 2010
Free sample Vaseline Intensive Rescue Lotion
Head on over HERE to grab your free sample of Vaseline Intensive Rescue Lotion
Sunday, October 10, 2010
My wheels are always spinning..Just like Lucy!!
Anyone who knows me, knows that my wheels are always spinning for the next get rich quiick. (Just like Lucy!) I just can't help it! Could it be that I just need to pay the biils or maybe because in another life I was truly a princess or something?
Last night I was out to dinner with Mr. Amazing and friends. We were all talking about all sorts of things and they reminded me of some things I was pondering this past summer. Over the summer my mom was visiting and I took her to NYC to shop. A man dressed up as Elvis was just walking around the city taking pictures with the tourists and all he asked was that you tip him. Sooooo you know me....my wheels were spinning and I was thinking what character can I dress up as to walk around and have my picture taken for tips all day? Mr Amazing just told me to shut up and thought I was a nut. Elmo walks around the city taking pictures with the tourists so maybe I could dress up as something!
The second thing I was reminded of was someone I know was telling me a story of how they were getting married by the Justice of the Peace somewhere and how they didn't have a witness. They had to pull some worker from the building who probably just got done cleaning a toilet to be their witness. Sooooo my wheels were spinning and I thought why not be a professional wedding witness!!! How cool would that be? I could charge like 10 bucks per wedding. Everyone just thinks I'm nuts. Just Call me Lucy is what I say
Last night I was out to dinner with Mr. Amazing and friends. We were all talking about all sorts of things and they reminded me of some things I was pondering this past summer. Over the summer my mom was visiting and I took her to NYC to shop. A man dressed up as Elvis was just walking around the city taking pictures with the tourists and all he asked was that you tip him. Sooooo you know me....my wheels were spinning and I was thinking what character can I dress up as to walk around and have my picture taken for tips all day? Mr Amazing just told me to shut up and thought I was a nut. Elmo walks around the city taking pictures with the tourists so maybe I could dress up as something!
The second thing I was reminded of was someone I know was telling me a story of how they were getting married by the Justice of the Peace somewhere and how they didn't have a witness. They had to pull some worker from the building who probably just got done cleaning a toilet to be their witness. Sooooo my wheels were spinning and I thought why not be a professional wedding witness!!! How cool would that be? I could charge like 10 bucks per wedding. Everyone just thinks I'm nuts. Just Call me Lucy is what I say
Do women adjust their boobs like men adjust their crotch???
I have no idea why I have been pondering this question but I just had to ask! Do women adjust their boobs (in their bras) like men adjust their crotch?? That is the question Watson. I don't know...maybe because I am a chubsy ubsy or maybe because I am wearing the wrong size bra but I always have to adjust. Anyone else out their have this same problem. How about when you have a bra and the underwire breaks? That just pisses me off. Bras are so damn expensive.
Ok now that I have that question off my mind I would like to hear what all you ladies out there in blogland have to say about this matter
Ok now that I have that question off my mind I would like to hear what all you ladies out there in blogland have to say about this matter
Tuesday, October 5, 2010
Can't wait to move out of Dodge
The spring can't come soon enough to put my house up for sale and move out of Dodge!! It feels like I am going to babysit forever. I don't know how much longer I can keep doing this. This has got to be the hardest job I ever had. I what bothers me most is the parents. It is unbelievable at what these kids get away with at home or how spoiled they are. Maybe the lack of consideration and thoughtlessness the parents have for me when they bring me their kids here with fevers or terrible colds. HELLLOOOO sick kids equals sick babysitter and all the rest of the kids getting sick.
It is so hard trying to keep these kids busy and not letting them watch tv all day. Today we danced around to some music. I must sing ring around the rosie everday, london bridge and a million other nursery songs. I am so sick of listening to all these kiddie songs. We made lunchbag pumpkins with paint and we baked cupcakes for Little Miss T who turned 2 yesterday. Going to sing Happy Birthday when all the kids get home from school. God Help me!! I hate when 3 o'clock rolls around.

I have this one parent who is driving me NUTS. Always running late and rushing around. She makes me stressed! She practically throws the kid at me with barely any clothes on & no shoes. I now have to meet her at school to get Little Miss S. "Can you meet me here where I park? How can I carry her and my tea?" PUT SHOES ON THE CHILD AND MAKE HER WALK. SHE IS 3 YEARS OLD AND HEAVY! The traffic all around the school is nightmare. I KNOW that I am way too nice and a glutten for punishment. (As my friends tell me all the time) How much more can I do? Did I mention that last week she gave me a toothbrush & toothpaste to keep here so I can brush Little Miss S teeth too? Now she is screwing up my naptime schedule because she wants to visit with her daughter and take her to lunch or a walk. I know its convenient on your lunch break but where is the consideration for my schedule? I let her pay me less than the other parents and I feel like I go above and beyond. How on earth in the nicest way possible can I tell this woman that this shit has got to stop?
I am just venting because I think my friends and Mr. Amazing is sick of hearing it.
I am just venting because I think my friends and Mr. Amazing is sick of hearing it.
Free stuff from Vistaprint
OMG!! Vistaprint.com is offering alot of free things today that you can personalize. Items such as, tote bags, business cards, sticky notes, pens, calendars, cards & more. All you have to do is pay shipping which is very minimal. I think I am going to make a tote bag with a Halloween design that my kids can use for trick or treating. (Got that idea from a blogger at Couponing to Disney) I already have one that I bought a while ago and they are very sturdy.
Free Advil from Pfizer
Pfizer is offering the first 500,000 US registrants a coupon for a FREE bottle of Advil. I LOVE FREE STUFF!! This offer will go very fast so hurry on over HERE to request your coupon.
Free sample of Garnier Moisture Rescue
Head on over to Walmart.com to grab your FREE sample of Garnier Moisture Rescue. I think this one won't last that long. Usually Walmart samples come with coupons. Gotta love it!!
Free Shipping at the Disney store
I know you don't want to hear it but...it's just about that time of year we all are going to start our holiday shopping. My motto is never pay retail!! Why not start your shopping early and head on over to DisneyStore.com to get free shipping when you use the code MAGIC. I always check out the clearance section first. This offer is good through October 10th
Thursday, September 30, 2010
Free 8x10 collage at Walgreens
Today and Tomorrow only head on over to Walgreens to get your free 8x10 collage. Make a collage of the summer fun you had with the family, special occasion or your kids artwork. Just click HERE and use code FBCOLL at checkout. Upload your photos to your nearest Walgreens for a completely free collage
Wednesday, September 29, 2010
Free sample of Aleve from Sam's Club
Sam's Club is offering a free sample of Aleve. No membership is required at this time. Head on over Here to request your free sample. Better hurry samples go quickly
Monday, September 20, 2010
1st day of school pics
I am about 2 weeks late posting these pics...but this is what Little Ricky & Little Lucy looked like on teir 1st day. I love being back on schedule expecially with the kids I babysit. I am happy to report that Little Lucy loves 3rd grade. She comes home everyday from school saying "Mommy I love the 3rd grade" I think because she has a great teacher this year. Little Ricky on the other hand doesn't really have much to say. I just hope he has a great year like he did last year bringing home good grades. NYC cut yellow school buses for 7th and 8th graders because they are broke. (like who isn't) I am so not ready to let him take a city bus or train to school. The metro card they gave him is burning a whole in his pocket. So until this matter is setled with the courts because a bunch of parents are suing the city Mr. Amazing has been losing sleep to pick him up every afternoon.
Friday, September 17, 2010
Monday, September 13, 2010
Free Tub Of Cottonelle flushable wipes
I don't know about you, but my family is spoiled and love using Cottonelle wipes. Here is your chance to score a free tub of wipes. All you have to do is click Here and fill out the form with your info and a friends email address and you both will get a free tub!! One per household and allow 3-4 weeks for delivery
Tuesday, September 7, 2010
Free sample Dawn hand renewal or Cascade
Click on this link or copy and paste http://www.madejmedia.com/public/techcleansurv/ to get your sample of Dawn hand renewal or Cascade dishwasher detergent. All you have to do is fill out the form and take a quick survey.
Friday, September 3, 2010
Kids eat free at Applebees Labor Day
Head on over to Applebee’s on Labor Day. KIds eat free with adult entree purchase.
This is going on all over the US (but call your location just to make sure they are participating before heading there).
On Labor Day, kids can choose one free entrée from the following options on the Kids Menu:
Chicken Fingers
Mini Cheeseburger
Grilled Cheese Sandwich
Kraft® Macaroni & Cheese
Fried Shrimp
Hot Dog
The meal also includes a choice of side dish and soft drink or juice.
To take advantage of the Kids Eat Free event, customers must dine in and children should be 10 and under and accompanied by an adult.
Each party will receive two (2) free Kids Meal per adult entrée purchase
This is going on all over the US (but call your location just to make sure they are participating before heading there).
On Labor Day, kids can choose one free entrée from the following options on the Kids Menu:
Chicken Fingers
Mini Cheeseburger
Grilled Cheese Sandwich
Kraft® Macaroni & Cheese
Fried Shrimp
Hot Dog
The meal also includes a choice of side dish and soft drink or juice.
To take advantage of the Kids Eat Free event, customers must dine in and children should be 10 and under and accompanied by an adult.
Each party will receive two (2) free Kids Meal per adult entrée purchase
Monday, August 30, 2010
Free preview Disney Movies on Demand Labor Day weekend
If you don't have Disney Movies on Demand...then this weekend is your chance to preview the channel. From September 2nd -6th if you have Comcast, Verizon, AT&T, Cox, TVN, Blue Ridge, Sudden or Charter cable service you will get a free preview from Sept 2nd - 6th. FREE DISNEY MOVIES ON DEMAND
Was my face red!!
So this morning as I was blow drying my hair....POP...the lights went out. I ran downstairs to see if we popped a circuit. I seen one circuit that was orange and I switched it back. Still no lights. In a panic I called Mr. Amazing to see if he was on his way home from work and then I called the electric company to report the problem and they were sending someone out.
When Mr. Amazing gets home and he checks the circuit breaker...POP...the lights go back on!! He said I didn't turn the MAIN switch on. How the heck am I suppose to know that? Now he wants a pat on the back for being Mr. Fix It. I only know to turn the ones that are orange.
The man from the electric company was happy he didn't have to work and my face turned red from my dumb blonde moment.
When Mr. Amazing gets home and he checks the circuit breaker...POP...the lights go back on!! He said I didn't turn the MAIN switch on. How the heck am I suppose to know that? Now he wants a pat on the back for being Mr. Fix It. I only know to turn the ones that are orange.
The man from the electric company was happy he didn't have to work and my face turned red from my dumb blonde moment.
Wednesday, August 25, 2010
Free Post It Super Sticky Notes sample pack
I love post its and I am loving Facebook more and more everyday!! You can score a free sample pack of Post It Super Sticky Notes just by follwoing these easy steps:
Step 1: Become a Fan of Innovative Office Solutions on Facebook HERE
Step 2: Email them at twins@innovativeos.com with your mailing address
Step 1: Become a Fan of Innovative Office Solutions on Facebook HERE
Step 2: Email them at twins@innovativeos.com with your mailing address
Monday, August 23, 2010
My boring vacation and My Weekly Menu Plan
My kids have been in Florida with their grandparents since the 11th and will not be coming home until September 1st. Although I am enjoying the down time...I miss my kids like crazy.
My husband also had this week as a vacation pick from work. and I chose not to babysit. I really could use that money but I needed a mental break from those kids..This truly has been our very 1st staycation. When I was working a regular job we had taken a week off while the kids were in Florida to do house projects or little getaways. We just had our concrete done over the summer and the bathrooms done last summer. Mr. Amazing and I have been spending alot of time together though. Money is super tight so it has been super Boring!!! There is only so much swinging from the chandeliers you can do!! We ran errands, watched a few movies, used our friends boat for a few hours and talked about our dreams. We do laugh alot. It sucks not having money. He asks everyday what we can do..my reply is "We can clean, organize, watch tv or sleep" What can you do with no money? We are not outdoor type of people, he hates the beach and everything else requires money. We have a pool but the weather here has been crappy.
When Mr. Amazing is bored he plays on the computer or playstation or dreams up new recipes to make. He did make an amazing vodka sauce the other night. Mr. Amazing does most of the cooking around here because #1 I hate cooking and #2 I cook the same things all the time. He likes variety and trying new things. That is hard to do since my kids take after me and we are very picky eaters. So while the kids are away this is what we are eating this week
Monday- Hamburgers & Fries
Tuesday- Chicken Quesadillas
Wednesday- Marinated Grilled Skirt Steak with homeade Mac & cheese
Thursday _ Pork chops with rice and beans
Friday - Eating out at the Staten Island Yankees game
My husband also had this week as a vacation pick from work. and I chose not to babysit. I really could use that money but I needed a mental break from those kids..This truly has been our very 1st staycation. When I was working a regular job we had taken a week off while the kids were in Florida to do house projects or little getaways. We just had our concrete done over the summer and the bathrooms done last summer. Mr. Amazing and I have been spending alot of time together though. Money is super tight so it has been super Boring!!! There is only so much swinging from the chandeliers you can do!! We ran errands, watched a few movies, used our friends boat for a few hours and talked about our dreams. We do laugh alot. It sucks not having money. He asks everyday what we can do..my reply is "We can clean, organize, watch tv or sleep" What can you do with no money? We are not outdoor type of people, he hates the beach and everything else requires money. We have a pool but the weather here has been crappy.
When Mr. Amazing is bored he plays on the computer or playstation or dreams up new recipes to make. He did make an amazing vodka sauce the other night. Mr. Amazing does most of the cooking around here because #1 I hate cooking and #2 I cook the same things all the time. He likes variety and trying new things. That is hard to do since my kids take after me and we are very picky eaters. So while the kids are away this is what we are eating this week
Monday- Hamburgers & Fries
Tuesday- Chicken Quesadillas
Wednesday- Marinated Grilled Skirt Steak with homeade Mac & cheese
Thursday _ Pork chops with rice and beans
Friday - Eating out at the Staten Island Yankees game
Free Hottie Biscotti sample
Would you like to try something sweet? Then head on over HERE to claim your free sample of Hottie Biscotti. All you have to do is follow the link and then send them an email with your name and address
Thursday, August 12, 2010
Does death come in 3's???
While I was in Arizona for Grandma's funeral, I received an email from my cousin who I have reconnected with thanks to Facebook. In her letter she was letting me know that her mom (my aunt from my dad'd side) was just diagnosed with Stage 4 cervical cancer last week and it had spread to her bladder and bones. I was shocked. My aunt was just at my daughters communion party in May dancing and having a great time. She looked fine. My cousin who lives in Texas is suppose to fly here on Monday.
A day after I came home I found out that my friends sister died. Earlier today I called my uncle to get an update on my aunt and to get more details of how her cancer came about and had gotten so advanced. He told me that she wasn't doing good, the Dr's said that she will pass any day and that my cousin is flying home tonight.
I am filled with so many emotions. Two days after my grandma passed it was the 9th anniversary of my dad's death. I felt bad that I couldn't be at my dad's grave that day because I was in Arizona for Grandma. Dad was diagnosed with lung cancer in December 2000 and died 9 months later. Now his sister was diagnosed last week and is dying. How does that happen? I get so emotional everytime I see my dad's side of the family which isn't that often.
I just can't believe this is happening again. I know exactly how my cousin is feeling. I still hurt everyday and think about my dad every day like it all just happened yesterday. I hope my aunt is in no pain and will not suffer.
A few years ago we lost my husbands grandmother. That same week my godfather lost his mother who I was close to as a little girl and someone else I kmew passed away. I am a true believer that death comes in 3's
A day after I came home I found out that my friends sister died. Earlier today I called my uncle to get an update on my aunt and to get more details of how her cancer came about and had gotten so advanced. He told me that she wasn't doing good, the Dr's said that she will pass any day and that my cousin is flying home tonight.
I am filled with so many emotions. Two days after my grandma passed it was the 9th anniversary of my dad's death. I felt bad that I couldn't be at my dad's grave that day because I was in Arizona for Grandma. Dad was diagnosed with lung cancer in December 2000 and died 9 months later. Now his sister was diagnosed last week and is dying. How does that happen? I get so emotional everytime I see my dad's side of the family which isn't that often.
I just can't believe this is happening again. I know exactly how my cousin is feeling. I still hurt everyday and think about my dad every day like it all just happened yesterday. I hope my aunt is in no pain and will not suffer.
A few years ago we lost my husbands grandmother. That same week my godfather lost his mother who I was close to as a little girl and someone else I kmew passed away. I am a true believer that death comes in 3's
Tuesday, August 3, 2010
Kids eat free at IHOP whole month of August
While I am sitting here at the airport using my brothers laptop I figured I would let you all know that the whole month of August kids up to the age of 12 can eat free at IHOP from 4-10 pm everyday with each adult meal purchased. Thanks Living Rich With coupons for finding this deal
Sunday, August 1, 2010
My heart is broken
It is with my deepest sadness that I am writing this post. My grandma past away this afternoon. I feel so guilty for not beng able to fly out to Arizona in the last few days to see her. It was a tough call . I spoke to my mom several times a day and at one point they thought she was improving and the next she would get worse. She had been suffering these past few days. Pain, blood transfusions, jaundice, and failing kidneys. The doctors attempted giving her dialysis but I guess she wasn't strong enough for this fight. I was suppose to take a vacation week and was hoping grandma would hang on until then. Illness and death are never convenient.
Financial and babysitting obligations held me back. Damn airlines charge an arm and a leg for flights. If they have the available seats then why not sell them fo a reduced rate? It's not like I am making the plane make an extra stop.
am just waiting to hear about the arrangements before I book my flight to say my final goodbye. The family is unsure about sending her body to Colorado to be buried next to my grandpa or buring her in Arizona.
Financial and babysitting obligations held me back. Damn airlines charge an arm and a leg for flights. If they have the available seats then why not sell them fo a reduced rate? It's not like I am making the plane make an extra stop.
am just waiting to hear about the arrangements before I book my flight to say my final goodbye. The family is unsure about sending her body to Colorado to be buried next to my grandpa or buring her in Arizona.
Saturday, July 31, 2010
I Love Coupons
I am on a coupon high right now! I just dragged myself to CVS because today is the last day of their sales and I had coupons for a few sale items that also expired today. I always used coupons but now that I have been blogging I have been learning to shop better at CVS and Walgreens. I use to get those extra care bucks and then forget about them and wind up throwing them away. I never even thought about splitting my order up to use them or to use them to buy staples like milk, bread, and eggs. So here is what I did:
Kotex by U was 4.99 and get 4.99 Extra Care Bucks
I had a $2.00 ECB and $1.oo off coupon
SOooo I only paid $2.00 for the kotex and then I applied the $4.99 ECB towards my next purchase which was.....
Herbal Essence shampoo and conditioner 2 for $5.00
(2) Pantene Restoratives shampoo $4.99 each (and get $1.00 ECB) this was actually sale for tomorrow they honored.
I had two $1.00 coupons for the Herbal Essence
Buy 1 get 1 for the Pantene
and $4.99 Ecb from the kotex
So for all these items I only paid $6.75!!! It woul have been less if it weren't fo stupid taxes.
Kotex by U was 4.99 and get 4.99 Extra Care Bucks
I had a $2.00 ECB and $1.oo off coupon
SOooo I only paid $2.00 for the kotex and then I applied the $4.99 ECB towards my next purchase which was.....
Herbal Essence shampoo and conditioner 2 for $5.00
(2) Pantene Restoratives shampoo $4.99 each (and get $1.00 ECB) this was actually sale for tomorrow they honored.
I had two $1.00 coupons for the Herbal Essence
Buy 1 get 1 for the Pantene
and $4.99 Ecb from the kotex
So for all these items I only paid $6.75!!! It woul have been less if it weren't fo stupid taxes.
Tuesday, July 27, 2010
Have you ever heard about Broken Heart Disease??
Early this morning I received a call from my mother informng me that my grandmother(who lives in Arizoma) had a heart attack. Thank god she is ok and in stable condition. Apparently whatever hospital she was in felt it was necessary to transfer her to another hospital because they were not equipped properly to give her the care she needs.
Upon receiving numerous tests it was concluded that my grandma had a heart attack, her blood was very thick and she also has cardiomyopathy The Dr. had said he also calls this the Broken Heart Disease. He asked my uncles if there was anything going on at home to have brought this on. Indeed there is something going on (I cannot speak on those details) but it is enough to break your heart and it seems my poor grandma is caught in the middle since she lives with them. It is not something she said or did but it involves her children. My grandma is
old fashioned and old school...if you mess with her kids you are messing with her. Even if her children are wrong she is right there to back them up.
Of course I went right on the internet and looked up this disease and sure enough there it was....triggered by extreme emotional trauma such as death, armed robbery and even a surprise party. Upon testing there is an unusual shape of the lft ventricle tht balloons outward. Can you imagine walking into your surprise party and having a heart attack and then that damage giving you a broken heart?
I hate being so far away and not being able to see her. I also hate that I dont have a regular job that I can take time off to see her. I have 4 families who depend on me plus my own. But.....family is important. You can be here today and gone tomorrow. I have gone through that when I lost my dad at 47 years young and my mother in law who was 52 years young. I think I am going to look into airline tickets right now.
Upon receiving numerous tests it was concluded that my grandma had a heart attack, her blood was very thick and she also has cardiomyopathy The Dr. had said he also calls this the Broken Heart Disease. He asked my uncles if there was anything going on at home to have brought this on. Indeed there is something going on (I cannot speak on those details) but it is enough to break your heart and it seems my poor grandma is caught in the middle since she lives with them. It is not something she said or did but it involves her children. My grandma is
old fashioned and old school...if you mess with her kids you are messing with her. Even if her children are wrong she is right there to back them up.
Of course I went right on the internet and looked up this disease and sure enough there it was....triggered by extreme emotional trauma such as death, armed robbery and even a surprise party. Upon testing there is an unusual shape of the lft ventricle tht balloons outward. Can you imagine walking into your surprise party and having a heart attack and then that damage giving you a broken heart?
I hate being so far away and not being able to see her. I also hate that I dont have a regular job that I can take time off to see her. I have 4 families who depend on me plus my own. But.....family is important. You can be here today and gone tomorrow. I have gone through that when I lost my dad at 47 years young and my mother in law who was 52 years young. I think I am going to look into airline tickets right now.
Monday, July 26, 2010
Cheap cheesecake at the Chessecake Factory!!
Don't you just love cheesecake? If so, head on over to the Cheesecake Factory facebook fan page. Click on the "Like" tab and then click on the "Fan Exclusive" tab to print a coupon for $1.50 cheesecake slices on Thursday 7/29. Why not treat yourself to a cheap treat!!
Thursday, July 22, 2010
Our boat trip on the HUdson River
A few weeks ago Mr. Amazing's very good friend (Captain James) purchased a 21 foot Yamaha boat. It seats about 9 people, has a canopy to keep you out of the sun and many compartments to store things. We have had a wonderful opportunity this summer to go on the boat on numerous occasions. For those few hours I am on the boat I kind of forget about all my worries and when my husband asks if we want to go on the boat WHO CARES about laundry, dishes or anything else that has to be done.
This past Sunday we were on the boat leisurely headed back towards Staten Island when Captain James spotted what looked like a small overturned boat. We went up closer and it was an overturned jet ski. To make this long story short..it was a cute guy who overturned his jetski and he was not able to turn it back up. He was clinging to life because he tire himself out. The current was very strong that day. He most likely would have drown even with a life jacket on.
We towed him and his jet ski back to Yonkers and and a rope got caught up in one of our engines. Luckily we made it back to the dock to drop him off. He thanked us profusely before the dumbass fell off the dock 2 more times. I am sure he was mortified. You would think he would have stayed with us until we were able to safely leave BUT NO!! Dumb Ass jet skier just left. Turns out the jet ski was his cousins. They fixed it and put it back in the water. The cousin had told us he made Dumb Ass stay in the car for being a wimp because he was told not to take the jet ski out that far. That dumbass would have drowned with that current or who knows where it would have taken him if he let go of the jet ski.
We were able to successfully untangle the rope around the engine and were able to leave. It was a scary journey home as it was getting dark. The waters were very rough especially by the Statue of Liberty because there are ferries and ships in the water. We hit a bad wave that kind of sent us a little airborne. It was enough to scare me to put a life vest on. We made it home with the guidance of the moonlight to keep us on the right path.
Lessons learned: ALways wear a life vest and No good deed goes unpunished
This past Sunday we were on the boat leisurely headed back towards Staten Island when Captain James spotted what looked like a small overturned boat. We went up closer and it was an overturned jet ski. To make this long story short..it was a cute guy who overturned his jetski and he was not able to turn it back up. He was clinging to life because he tire himself out. The current was very strong that day. He most likely would have drown even with a life jacket on.
We towed him and his jet ski back to Yonkers and and a rope got caught up in one of our engines. Luckily we made it back to the dock to drop him off. He thanked us profusely before the dumbass fell off the dock 2 more times. I am sure he was mortified. You would think he would have stayed with us until we were able to safely leave BUT NO!! Dumb Ass jet skier just left. Turns out the jet ski was his cousins. They fixed it and put it back in the water. The cousin had told us he made Dumb Ass stay in the car for being a wimp because he was told not to take the jet ski out that far. That dumbass would have drowned with that current or who knows where it would have taken him if he let go of the jet ski.
We were able to successfully untangle the rope around the engine and were able to leave. It was a scary journey home as it was getting dark. The waters were very rough especially by the Statue of Liberty because there are ferries and ships in the water. We hit a bad wave that kind of sent us a little airborne. It was enough to scare me to put a life vest on. We made it home with the guidance of the moonlight to keep us on the right path.
Lessons learned: ALways wear a life vest and No good deed goes unpunished
Tuesday, July 13, 2010
Pencils for a Penny at Staples
The back to school sales have begun. This week at Staples you can get pencils and folders for a penny with a $5.00 minimum purchase. This offer is only good until tomorrow.
Tuesday, July 6, 2010
Free Slurpee at 7-Eleven on 7/11
Head on over to 7-Eleven on 7/11 as they celebrate their birthday for a free slurpee. With the scorching hot temps we have been having here on the East Coast...that slurpee is sure to cool you down.
Back to the daily grind
I hope everyone had a safe and wonderful 4th of July weekend. It came and went way too fast. We had a birthday party to go to on Saturday for one of the kids I babysit, my brother came over with his family later that afternoon for a quick dip in the pool since it was like 100 degrees outside. I decided to have a BBQ on the 4th (because I am crazy!) worked my butt off and my house is still a wreck....but a fun time was had by all. (all that matters) I did feel bad for not taking my kids to see fireworks that night but they were all over the place sporadically on the block and on TV!
Now it's back to the daily grind...babysitting, dishes, laundry, vacuuming, whats for dinner, and keeping the kids entertained. UUUUGHHHHH where do I begin? I still feel so wiped out. Another scorcher here today...might reach 102
Now it's back to the daily grind...babysitting, dishes, laundry, vacuuming, whats for dinner, and keeping the kids entertained. UUUUGHHHHH where do I begin? I still feel so wiped out. Another scorcher here today...might reach 102
Tuesday, June 29, 2010
What to cook and what to do this summer
Sigh.....what to do this summer? What to make for dinner? (I HATE DINNERTIME) if it was up to me I would have a bowl of cereal or a plain old sandwich. I live with ultra picky kids and a husband who believes you shouldn't eat breakfast for dinner and has my kids convinced the of the same.
As for my summer plans.....looks like the backyard and pool it's going to be! I can't really think of anything thats inexpensive to keep five kids entertained. Two of my own and three I babysit (well I have a few...zoo, park, library, bowling, free movies) but they will tire of that quickly. I feel depressed already just thinking of not leaving this house. This is he hardest job in the world I ever had. I wish I was a kid again.
My family and I are contemplating going o Canada for a few days in August. Just have to make sure we have the extra funds
As for my summer plans.....looks like the backyard and pool it's going to be! I can't really think of anything thats inexpensive to keep five kids entertained. Two of my own and three I babysit (well I have a few...zoo, park, library, bowling, free movies) but they will tire of that quickly. I feel depressed already just thinking of not leaving this house. This is he hardest job in the world I ever had. I wish I was a kid again.
My family and I are contemplating going o Canada for a few days in August. Just have to make sure we have the extra funds
Friday, June 25, 2010
Starting to love printable party decor
So lately I have been spending every available minute I have to spare reading blogs. I love finding coupon deals, freebies and now I have found party and entertining blogs. I am addicted to blogging (more like reading other blogs than writing for my own) I have found some of the cutest free printables to make your party extra special. Like I have all the free time in the world (I probably would if i didnt sit at this computer reading blogs!) but I cant wait to have a reason to have a party so I can use some of the ideas and printables I have been finding.
I think I am going to try a Welcome to summer vacation shindig for the kids on Monday (their last day of school) I envision cupcakes with yellow, blue and orange icing, ice cream with the toppings, and some burgers and dogs. Water bottles with custom labels (made by me) and then I am going to try some 4th of July printables for our bbq. My husband is going to think I am nuts (or as he will call me a LOSER)
So I am giving you the links to some of my fave blogs that have awesome party theme ideas and printables:
I think I am going to try a Welcome to summer vacation shindig for the kids on Monday (their last day of school) I envision cupcakes with yellow, blue and orange icing, ice cream with the toppings, and some burgers and dogs. Water bottles with custom labels (made by me) and then I am going to try some 4th of July printables for our bbq. My husband is going to think I am nuts (or as he will call me a LOSER)
So I am giving you the links to some of my fave blogs that have awesome party theme ideas and printables:
Thursday, June 24, 2010
Kids eat free at Applebees 4th of July weekend
Head on over to Applebees July 3rd through July 5th and kids eat free (No Coupon required) check with your local Applebees to see if they are participating.
Saturday, June 19, 2010
Free 2oz lotion from Bath & Body Works
Head on over to Bath and Body Works facebook page. Like them and print out a coupon to get a free 2oz bottle of their newest scent Forever Suncshine. This offer is only available this weekend no purchase necessary.
While you are there check out their amazing sale and clearance items.
Thursday, June 17, 2010
Free 8x10 at Walgreens
Head on over to Walgreens to get a free 8 X 10 with this code: GOBIG8X10. This coupon code is good until June 19th. Great gift idea for Fathers Day. You can also get 50 4x6 prints for $5.00 with coupon code: SHARE50.
Wednesday, June 16, 2010
Get 35% off at Crocs.com
TODAY ONLY score 35% off crocs at crocs.com. Make your selection and at check out enter these codes: CROCS4SUMMER TO GET 25% OFF and you can stack that coupon with this one: STACK15 for an additional 15% off. There is also free shipping too!! Can't beat that.
Monday, June 14, 2010
End of the Year Teacher gift ideas
I don't usually go out and buy or make anything for the teachers, bus drivers and crossing guards. I just give the donation the class mom usually asks for. This year I feel like being semi crafty and making something or buying something that won't wind up in the trash. How many apple type things does a teacher need?
I came across a few websites that have some really nice ideas and free printables:
skip to my lou has great ideas for last minute gifts for the teacher. Free printable tags you can attach to flowers or a plant that say Thanks for helping my child Bloom
Domesticated Lady I love the free printable water bottle labels...You can even make some type of card out of it and attach it to a re useable bottle
Wednesday, June 9, 2010
Our 15th Annivesary
Tomorrow Mr. Amazing and I will be celebrating our 15th wedding Annivesary!!! The years have flown by in a blink of an eye. He truly is my best friend and soulmate. I don't know what I would ever do without him..he keeps me grounded.
Tonight we are taking the kids to the Great Wolf Lodge in the Poconos for an overnight since they have the day off from school tomorrow. It may not be a tropical island but I am just happy for the getaway and being able to spend time with each other.
Mr. Amazing if you ever read my blog I just want to say I LOVE YOU SOOO MUCH and can't wait to see what the next 15 years will be like as we will be making that big move to FLorida in 2 years.
Tonight we are taking the kids to the Great Wolf Lodge in the Poconos for an overnight since they have the day off from school tomorrow. It may not be a tropical island but I am just happy for the getaway and being able to spend time with each other.
Mr. Amazing if you ever read my blog I just want to say I LOVE YOU SOOO MUCH and can't wait to see what the next 15 years will be like as we will be making that big move to FLorida in 2 years.
Sunday, June 6, 2010
I am done with yard sales
So yesterday I had a yard sale. Of all the days I choose to have a yard sale it turned out to be hotter than hell!!! Normally my kids and husband help out but it was all me baby. Well Mr. Amazing did help bring out the tables and make the lemonade for this kids to sell. He works midnights so he just came home. Can't fault him for that. The kids could barely get out of bed and all they were concerned with was their lemonade stand.
Usuallly I am all gung ho about my yard sale. I have been doing these for like 10 years. Trust me I dont do it for the sheer fun of it. I hate throwing things out and I usually can use the extra bucks. I even have yard sale clientele as I call them. The same 10 people or so who now my house, follow my kids in size, or look for my clothing and handbags. Yesterday probably was the worst sale ever. I wasn't in the mood to do it (but the ad was already placed) I was hoping for rain like the forecaste said the night before. You can't believe those weather people they have no clue I swear all they do is guess. A monkey can do that!
Total sales were $55.00 (10 of that was from a good friend) my actual profit was 33 bucks because the ad i placed in the paper and the purchase of lemonade was 22 bucks. So I think I am calling it quits on having these sales and I am just going to give my stuff away to the Veterans Association.
Usuallly I am all gung ho about my yard sale. I have been doing these for like 10 years. Trust me I dont do it for the sheer fun of it. I hate throwing things out and I usually can use the extra bucks. I even have yard sale clientele as I call them. The same 10 people or so who now my house, follow my kids in size, or look for my clothing and handbags. Yesterday probably was the worst sale ever. I wasn't in the mood to do it (but the ad was already placed) I was hoping for rain like the forecaste said the night before. You can't believe those weather people they have no clue I swear all they do is guess. A monkey can do that!
Total sales were $55.00 (10 of that was from a good friend) my actual profit was 33 bucks because the ad i placed in the paper and the purchase of lemonade was 22 bucks. So I think I am calling it quits on having these sales and I am just going to give my stuff away to the Veterans Association.
Wednesday, June 2, 2010
Free Admission to Museums and Zoos this weekend
The first weekend of every month is free admission to zoos , museums, science centers, and botanical gardens in your area with free admission. All you have to do is show any Bank of America card. Click on this link here to find a participating museum or zoo in your area. Courtesy of Museums on Us. Thanks GAYNYCDAD for posting this reminder
ATTENTION TRI STATE AREA the Bronx Zoo is one of the zoos listed
ATTENTION TRI STATE AREA the Bronx Zoo is one of the zoos listed
Friday, May 28, 2010
Free Jockey panties at Macy's
Head on over to Macy's between 5/31 and 6/6, and grab a free pair of Jockey panties. Click Here to print out your coupon.. Thanks Shelleys Swag for posting this awesome freebie
Tuesday, May 25, 2010
Our 15th Anniversary
In a few short weeks Mr. Amazing and I will be celebrating our 15th wedding anniversary. Years ago said that on milestone anniversaries we would take a nice vacation. We started on our 10th annivesary by going to an all inclusive kid free vacation to Mexico. It was absolutely wonderful. We really had such a relaxing and nice time with each other. Although I did worry about our kids who were only 6 and 3. Thank god for internet because I emailed home everyday. From that very vacation we said we would do that every 5 years . I would love to go to Hawaii but I only want to go if we do it right......2 weeks and not having to worry about being cheap!
This year we cancelled our vacation plans to have a nice party for Little Lucy's communion being that I am unemployed and doing both was not in the budget. Who knew that 15 years later we would still be struggling financially. We still have our health and dire love for each other and that is all that matters. I wouldn't trade that for all the tea in China. Instead of a lavish kid free vacation we are going to spend a night at the Great Wolf Lodge with our kids (it was a gift from the grandparents at Christmas time)
Although our vacation plans are scrapped, I still would like to get something special for Mr. Amazing but WHAT? From what I have read it seems that crystal is the traditional thing to give for the 15th. But what can you buy for a man that is crystal that is not so feminine? Any ideas?? Mr. Amazing has no sentimental attachments to anything nor does he like to collect anything. He is by far the hardest person on earth to shop for and he never ever wants anything. If you have an idea or would like to comment please feel free
This year we cancelled our vacation plans to have a nice party for Little Lucy's communion being that I am unemployed and doing both was not in the budget. Who knew that 15 years later we would still be struggling financially. We still have our health and dire love for each other and that is all that matters. I wouldn't trade that for all the tea in China. Instead of a lavish kid free vacation we are going to spend a night at the Great Wolf Lodge with our kids (it was a gift from the grandparents at Christmas time)
Although our vacation plans are scrapped, I still would like to get something special for Mr. Amazing but WHAT? From what I have read it seems that crystal is the traditional thing to give for the 15th. But what can you buy for a man that is crystal that is not so feminine? Any ideas?? Mr. Amazing has no sentimental attachments to anything nor does he like to collect anything. He is by far the hardest person on earth to shop for and he never ever wants anything. If you have an idea or would like to comment please feel free
Monday, May 24, 2010
Free family movies this summer at Regal Cinemas
Once again Regal Cinemas is having their family film fest all summer long. Every Tuesday and Wednesday at 10:00 am you can go to the theatre to watch a G or PG rated movie for FREE!! Find a location near you HERE and the list of movies to enjoy with your family and friends all summer long. Movies are subject to availability and first come firs serve.
Tuesday, May 18, 2010
Cirque Du Soleil OVO review
This past week I was offered the opportunity to see Cirque du Soleil's newest show, OVO with my family. OVO which means egg in Portuguese is described as a wild, colorful world, where insects work, eat, crawl, flutter, play, fight and look for love in a non-stop riot of energy and movement. A mysterious egg appears in their midst brought by a "foreigner," the insects which include scarabs, fleas, ants, butterflies, spiders and crickets become awestruck and intensely curious about this iconic object that represents the enigma and cycles of their lives. OVO, the Cirque du Soleil's 25th production in 25 years, sets an insect-themed show to the rhythm of Brazilian sounds, combining traces of samba, forró, carimbó, Rio funk, and samba-reggae.
If you have seen any of the Cirque du Soleil shows, you know that they are wildly acrobatic, colorful and just plain amazing to watch and OVO is no different. The cast is comprised of 54 performing artists from 16 different countries and every scene is one "ooh" and "ahh" after another.
My family and I had to drive about an hour to get to the show which was located on Randall's Island, NYC and travel through 1 tunnel and 3 bridges (which turned out to be $28 worth of tolls). The parking lot was not too far of a walk from where the tents were located and it cost $20 for parking. The show was to start at 8pm and we were allowed to start getting into the tent about 7:15. There were plenty of extremely clean port o john restrooms (they had actual toilets that flushed instead of a big black hole) with sinks to wash hands.
We were brought to our seats by an usher and I was ecstatic to find out that we were 6 rows away from the stage. Although the tent probably held more than 1000 people, I think any seat would have been perfect to see every aspect of the show being that the stage was a circle.
As the show began the room got completely dark and these people come walking out into the audience in beekeeper outfits. At first I thought oh no my daughter is going to be so scared, but the darkness was only for a minute and then the big egg disappeared and the stage became so colorful with the insects. During the first 10 minutes of the show I was a little nervous that my husband wasn't going to like it because the bugs starting dancing around and making these weird noises. In fact, the only person who talks or somewhat talks is the insect stranger. Then the acrobatics and contortionism started and we were all captivated! The look on my kids faces was priceless. There is nothing better than seeing a child's face with excitement.
The uniqueness of the insect theme and the thought and creativity put into it were absolutely amazing. The costumes and makeup were incredible. Each insect's costume was so bright and colorful. I loved the grasshoppers. Even the orchestra had bug costumes on. The staging was spectacular. The show ranged from slapstick comedy to an adorable love story between a lady bug and the insect stranger. One of the main bugs (I called him grandpa bug because he kind of looked like Grampa from the Munsters with green hair) was always fighting with the strange insect until the end he helped the stranger get the girl. The amazing acrobatic feats of each of the performers was just incredible. The way some of the contortionists bend and flex their bodies in half was jaw dropping.
The choreography and the music combined were just captivating and engaging. It put me in a good mood and made me want to get up and dance. I resisted buying the CD because we had spent enough on gas, tolls, & snacks. Immediately the next morning my son downloaded the free MP3 from the Cirque De Soleil website by joining their newsletter. He has been playing it everyday afterschool! Not to mention he also has been reading every fact he can find about how much it costs to produce the show and how they make the tents and costumes.
This was a great family night out and would love to see it again. I really can't say what was my favorite part because I loved every aspect of the show. Now my kids are on a mission to see every Cirque Du Soleil show they can! If you have a chance to see it in New York or the rest of country, it is so worth it. The show is playing through June 6 in New York City. It is also coming soon to Hartford, Boston, Washington, and Atlanta.
And finally, for those who like to be pampered there is the VIP Tapis Rouge package which includes the best seats in the house and access to the VIP suite one hour before the show and during the intermission which includes food and drinks. I can't tell you the types of food or drinks they had as we did not have access to that suite. For more details on what is included in the VIP package, visit cirquedusoleil.com
Ticket Information and schedule: http://www.cirqueduesoleil.com/ and Family Four Pack Offer.
American Express offer: For preferred seating and other special advantages for American Express
Cardmembers, please visit www.cirquedusoleil.com/amex
If you have seen any of the Cirque du Soleil shows, you know that they are wildly acrobatic, colorful and just plain amazing to watch and OVO is no different. The cast is comprised of 54 performing artists from 16 different countries and every scene is one "ooh" and "ahh" after another.
My family and I had to drive about an hour to get to the show which was located on Randall's Island, NYC and travel through 1 tunnel and 3 bridges (which turned out to be $28 worth of tolls). The parking lot was not too far of a walk from where the tents were located and it cost $20 for parking. The show was to start at 8pm and we were allowed to start getting into the tent about 7:15. There were plenty of extremely clean port o john restrooms (they had actual toilets that flushed instead of a big black hole) with sinks to wash hands.
We were brought to our seats by an usher and I was ecstatic to find out that we were 6 rows away from the stage. Although the tent probably held more than 1000 people, I think any seat would have been perfect to see every aspect of the show being that the stage was a circle.
The uniqueness of the insect theme and the thought and creativity put into it were absolutely amazing. The costumes and makeup were incredible. Each insect's costume was so bright and colorful. I loved the grasshoppers. Even the orchestra had bug costumes on. The staging was spectacular. The show ranged from slapstick comedy to an adorable love story between a lady bug and the insect stranger. One of the main bugs (I called him grandpa bug because he kind of looked like Grampa from the Munsters with green hair) was always fighting with the strange insect until the end he helped the stranger get the girl. The amazing acrobatic feats of each of the performers was just incredible. The way some of the contortionists bend and flex their bodies in half was jaw dropping.
The choreography and the music combined were just captivating and engaging. It put me in a good mood and made me want to get up and dance. I resisted buying the CD because we had spent enough on gas, tolls, & snacks. Immediately the next morning my son downloaded the free MP3 from the Cirque De Soleil website by joining their newsletter. He has been playing it everyday afterschool! Not to mention he also has been reading every fact he can find about how much it costs to produce the show and how they make the tents and costumes.
This was a great family night out and would love to see it again. I really can't say what was my favorite part because I loved every aspect of the show. Now my kids are on a mission to see every Cirque Du Soleil show they can! If you have a chance to see it in New York or the rest of country, it is so worth it. The show is playing through June 6 in New York City. It is also coming soon to Hartford, Boston, Washington, and Atlanta.
And finally, for those who like to be pampered there is the VIP Tapis Rouge package which includes the best seats in the house and access to the VIP suite one hour before the show and during the intermission which includes food and drinks. I can't tell you the types of food or drinks they had as we did not have access to that suite. For more details on what is included in the VIP package, visit cirquedusoleil.com
Ticket Information and schedule: http://www.cirqueduesoleil.com/ and Family Four Pack Offer.
American Express offer: For preferred seating and other special advantages for American Express
Cardmembers, please visit www.cirquedusoleil.com/amex
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