
Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Free Kids Dinner at IHOP the whole month of April!!

  During the whole month of April IHOP is offering a free kids dinner with every adult meal purchased.  With the economy still in the slump it's getting harder and harder for families to have that little luxory of going out to eat.  Go and treat the family for a reasonably priced dinner that won't break the bank.   Statistics say that kids who eat dinner with their parents every night do better in school. 

Kids Eat Free EVERYDAY from 4 p.m. to 10 p.m.

· Promotions runs from April 1 – April 30

                · Families who dine in at IHOP will receive one free Kid’s Meal with each adult entrée purchase

Thanks to my 14yr old neice/blog designer

I have been experimenting and reading tutorials on how to create and design my blog for a few weeks now.  It gets so frustrating sometimes I just give up.  Then I was so happy when I noticed that blogger had created those new layouts and backgrounds.  So I made a new blog template that I though was ok and all I needd now was a button.  My 14 year old neice has been here a few days hanging out and she asked me what I was doing and I explained how I was trying to figure out how to make a button for my blog.  She then says "I can do that."  I was like "no way"  and voila in 10 minutes she had a button made.  I couldn't believe it.  SO of course my Lucy wheels were turning and I told her how she can make a blog and maybe start charging 5 bucks for a premade template that she can design.   She even helped me make my Facebook fan page and link it to Twittter.

How on earth do kids so young know how to do all these things already??  It is simply amazing.  Maybe someday soon my son who is 11 will learn from his cousin and then I will have my own personal graphic artist at my beck and call.  I just wanted to say thanks to my awsome neice Felicia for all your help and spending a few hours working on my blog and making me a button.  YAY!!!  I have a button...Tell me what ya think.  I love hearing all your comments.

Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Hana 1" Pink Edition Flat Iron Review

When I found out that I was getting a Hana Elite Flat Iron from I was doing the happy dance all around the house.  When they told me I was getting the limited edition Pink one- I almost fainted!  Seriously I have been dying to get my hands on one of these ever since I read a few reviews on other blogs and Misikko is known for carrying the highest quality Hair Straighteners available!  I have curly, frizzy hair and usually struggled for an hour or more with blow drying and then smoothing it out with a 2 inch curling iron.

When the package came I was so tickeled pink!!!  At the same time disappointed because I couldn't use it right away as I was on my way out the door when the UPS man delivered it.

The first thing I have to mention- is the packaging.  I just had to take a picture so you could see what I am talking about! The Silicone Heat Mat was rolled up and tied with a satin ribbon, Satin ribbons tied around the Tin case the flat iron came in, and the cutest touch of silk flowers!  Also- they sent me a few little bonuses that I was not expecting! A full bottle of Shine Shield, Nail file Key Chains, and hand sanitizer- all packed in cute satin drawstring bags.

One of the most awesome features of the Hana Flat Iron, is it can be used on Damp hair! Yes!!! Just maybe I can cut down on hairstyling time by skipping the blow dry and be on time to wherever I need to go!
OK so this  is my curly hair right out of the shower.

This is my hair after 20 minutes no blow drying required!!

 Why it's the Best Luxury Flat Iron:

• Solid 100% Ceramic plates & heaters = pure far infrared heat with no quality loss over time

• The absolute best at conditioning hair, straightening quickly, preserving color & naturally hygienic

• Tourmaline infused heating elements give the benefits of Tourmaline without adding anything to the 100% Ceramic plates.

• The ONLY 100% Ceramic iron available in 1.5" plate size for long/thick hair

• Towel Dry! Style damp hair & cut down on heat exposure

• Curved plates straighten, flip or curl

• Heat range from 140-450 F can be set for any hair type

• Includes heat proof silicone mat, luxe-leather pouch & tin case

• Two Year Warranty!

I loved using this flat iron, it heats up super quick, straightened my damp hair to perfection in 20 minutes, left my hair smooth, shiny, and feeling fabulous! I also love the smell and feel of the Shine Shield!

I love that it is 100% Ceramic, and is gentle on your hair, and even recommended for colored hair! Mine is obviously colored.

I strongly urge anyone in the market for Flat Irons or Professional Hair Dryers to check out Misikko! They carry all the best brands like Chi Flat irons,  Babyliss Flat irons  and They also carry an assortment of Professional Blow Dryers . I had no idea what a difference a quality Flat Iron could make!  The Hana Elite retails for $359.99- but Misikko has it priced at $229.99!!  Their site is easy to navigate and they have outstanding customer service.  I couldn't believe that my flat iron arrived within 24 hours of speaking with them.

Thanks Misikko for giving me this opportunity to review your flat iron and open my eyes to what a quality product can do!!

As required by the FTC: I received a product sample in order to write my review. I received no monetary compensation. All opinions expressed are mine and mine alone

Monday, March 29, 2010

Great Right Guard Deodorant printable

Become a fan of Right Guard on Facebook and then print out your coupon for $1.50 off.  If you wait for it to go on sale you can practically get for FREE!!!

Saturday, March 27, 2010

What do you think

What do you think of my new blog design??  I just started playing around with the new blogger designs.  Is it to bright?  Until I get a big enough following and can find someone who can make me a custom blog at a reasonable price then I will just keep experimenting with what I can find.  Now I just need to figure out how to get a button.  Time to go to bed....gotta teach religion in the morning

Friday, March 26, 2010

Getting a 2nd email address

As I blog surf day after day I learn so many things.  When I started blogging in January I had read somewhere that I should get a secondary email address from gmail, yahoo, or aol for when I sign up for coupons, surveys, and freebies.  I went ahead and opened up a Gmail account and from all the things I fill out day after day  I already have 400 emails!!!  AHHHHH!!!  So if you already didn't know this little tidbit I suggest you get yourself a separate email account just for this reasom. 

Have a wonderful day  :)

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Monday, March 22, 2010

Easy Money Maker

Everyday when I sign into my blog I do my usual blog surfing as I call it.  Well low and behold I found an easy money maker.  I wish I could remember what blog I found it on so I could give her a big thanks for posting it.  The website is called   I thought it was too good to be true.  So I decided to sign up for it and answer all the questions about myself to build my profile.  The website states that they pay every week via paypal.  I was like yeah right.  They really do!!!!  I have been signed up now for two weeks and all I have to do is click on the offers and I got paid a few cents for every click.  The past 2 Fridays I have gotten paid via paypal.  Week 1 was $1.57 and week 2 was $0.41.  It may not be much but it all adds up right? 

So I am providing you with a link to sign up.  I will get  $1.00 referral bonus for everyone who signs up with my link.  Thanks a bunch and hurry up and Join YouData  Once you sign up you can do the same thing

Walgreens 20 free 4x6 prints

20 free 4x6 prints at Walgreens

Do you have pictures that need to be printed out?  Well head on over to Walgreens and enter this code at checkout 20FREE4X6B  to get your 20 free 4x6 prints.  Offer expires 3/31

Free pastry day at Starbucks March 23

  Head on over to Starbucks on March 23rd to snag your free pastry with the purchase of any handmade drink.  Before you go click on this link to print out you coupon.

Sunday, March 21, 2010

Blessed to be Lucky in Love

The weather this weekend was just gorgeous.  My son went camping with the Boy Scouts and I sent my daughter to my brother's house for the weekend.  Mommy and Daddy needed some much needed time alone.  We went for massages Saturday afternoon and then out to dinner that night.  It was actually exciting getting ready for our date.  I felt like I was 18 again making sure I was all dolled up and smelling sexy!!

Part of me wanted to stay out real late and maybe go for a walk on the boardwalk but we must be getting old because we came home after dinner plopped ourselves on the couch and watched a few shows we had on tivo. It was actually very nice and relaxing.   Mr. Amazing tried keeping me awake (cause I was starting to doze off on the couch) by making coffee for us and then I realized we were out of milk. 

The next morning we went for breakfast at the diner.  It was such a great weekend spending all that time with him.  I wish we could do that every week.  After breakfast I went to a chinese auction and then picked up the little diva.  When I came home Mr. Amazing had finished doing the laundry and put it all away (something he never does)  I was shocked.  I am truly blessed to be in love with such a wonderful husband. 

My fab finds and prizes while blogging

  It's been about two months since I started this blog and I have already learned so much about saving money at Walgreens and Target and using coupons.  I have also put entries in for many contests.  So far I have been very lucky and  won a flirty apron, fairytale brownies, and 2 reuseable happy bags from blog contests.  You would have thought I won the lottery I was so excited.    I also have signed up for so many free samples they are all startng to come in.  I get so excited when I see my mail man.  He probably thinks I want to jump him or something! 

Here is the list of freebies I received in the past 3 weeks:
  • travel size Burts Bees Toothpaste
  • Kotex sample pack
  • playtex sample pack
  • Rachael Ray Nutrish dog food sample w/ $3.00 coupon
  • Crest White strip sample
  • travel size bottle Axe body wash
  • full size bottle Pantene shampoo w/ 3 $2.oo coupons
  • travel size bar Lever 2000 soap
  • Juicy Juicy sippy cup
  • sample Tide with Febreeze w/2 coupons
  • trial size Olay Effects bodywash

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

My secret 60 minute a day de-cluttering challenge

So I really haven't gotten much done lately as far as de-cluttering.  I am just in this terrible rut.   TERRIBLE TERRIBLE!!  Anyway I love watching those cleaning shows and fixin up the house type shows it really makes me want to get things dome.  Then I look around and say Tomorrow is a new day.  I have a friend whose house is cluttered.  She decided to  pick one room and stay in it at least an hour every day until it's clean and organized.   As I was blog surfing today I came across a blog who says she is doing the same thing...taking an hour everyday to de clutter a backroom. 

So I have decided to secretly challenge myself and pick one room and spend an hour at least everyday cleaning.  Rome wasn't built in a day and it didn't take me a day to put all that junk there.  I really should be ashamed because I do have the time to get that done I just choose not too.  I spend alot of time with my beloved laptop especialy at night as I multi task and watch my dvr shows.  I really need to spend more time on getting rid of this junk and maybe I won't feel so terrible about things .  I already called the Veterans association to pick up a few bags to be donated.  Although I really would like to yard sale some of the crap I just can't keep holding on to it until that yard sale comes.  My 1st project is going to be tackling the laundry room.  Let's see how many hours go in to it.  I only have less than 24 months to get rid of all my junk in the whole house before our big move to Florida.  OMG!!  Will  there be enough hours in that short time span to complete this de-clutter project???

Random Thoughts

Here is another great little read I found while blog surfing.  These questions of random thoughts were copied from  I found most of these to be very funny and things I have said mysellf on many occasions.  Enjoy

Random Thoughts for the Day:

1. I think part of a best friend's job should be to immediately clear your computer history if you die.

2. Nothing sucks more than that moment during an argument when you realize you're wrong.

3. I totally take back all those times I didn't want to nap when I was younger.

4. There is great need for a sarcasm font.

5. How the heck are you supposed to fold a fitted sheet?

6. Was learning cursive really necessary?

7. Map Quest really needs to start their directions on #5. I'm pretty sure I know how to get out of my neighborhood.

8. Obituaries would be a lot more interesting if they always told you how the person died.

9. I can't remember the last time I wasn't at least kind of tired.

10. Bad decisions make good stories.

11. You never know when it will strike, but there comes a moment at work when you know that you just aren't going to do anything productive for the rest of the day.

12. Can we all just agree to ignore whatever comes after Blue Ray? I don't want to have to restart my collection...again.

13. I'm always slightly terrified when I exit out of Word and it asks me if I want to save any changes to my ten-page research paper that I swear I did not make any changes to.

14. "Do not machine wash or tumble dry" means I will never wash this -- ever.

15. I hate when I just miss a call by the last ring (Hello? Hello?), but when I immediately call back, it rings nine times and goes to voicemail. What'd you do after I didn't answer? Drop the phone and run?

16. I hate leaving my house confident and looking good and then not seeing anyone of importance the entire day. What a waste.

17. I keep some people's phone numbers in my phone just so I know not to answer when they call.

18. My 4-year old son asked me in the car the other day "Dad what would happen if you ran over a ninja?" How the heck do I respond to that?

19. I think the freezer deserves a light as well.

20. I disagree with Kay Jewelers. I would bet on any given Friday or Saturday night, more kisses begin with Miller Lite than with jewelry.

Check out these Blog Makeover templates

Are you in need of a blog makeover?  Well I just came across a site that has pre-made blog templates for only $5.00 to $10.00.  All proceeds will help defray the cost of an adoption this couple is hoping for.  She has some really cute blog designs and the price is right.  They are cheap enough that if you want a change a few months down the road you really wouldn't mind spendng another $5.00 to help her cause.  Go and check out her site and support her cause.

Friday, March 12, 2010

Great Giveaway Hana 1" Flat iron from Raising my 4 Sons

Wouldn't you love to receive a professional flat iron for free?  Well here is an opportunity for you to enter for a chance to win a 1" Professional Pink Flat Iron  from Raising my 4 sons.  Just click on this link to get your entries in  You might want to check out the other nice giveaways she has to offer also. 

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Having a Panic attack after 2 OMG realizations

My darling little diva will be making her communion in May and I already had the hall booked since last year.  I love putting together parties.  The past month or so Mr. Amazing and I have been bickering over some details of the party.  Like lets just have a dinner at a restaurant and go on vacation instead, need to cut guest list in half (was up to 150 now 120), he wants open bar since it's a Saturday night and I want beer, wine and soda to save money. etc. etc.  I went to give ghe hall some more money tonight and all of the sudden it really hit me how much this is all going to cost and why my husband was getting upset.  I made the family give up vacation for this party and then some.  I am really going to have to pump up my ebay sales even if i have to list crap everyday. Maybe even go work the corner or something! OMG

My 2nd Omg moment tonight was when I was talking to my cousin who lives in Texas.  We started talking about how we need certain areas of our houses repaired or updated in order to sell.  Mr. Amazing will be retiring from his civil service job in 2 years and we plan on moving to Florida.  Out of no where the realization hit me like a ton of bricks.  OMG my house will be going on the market in 20 months!!  I have so much to do in that short period of time.  Closets, cabinets, drawers, and attic need to be gone through.  I am a clutter junkie & hate throwing things out.  How am I suppose to prepare for this big move in such little time.  I think a panic attack is in order.   ahhhhh


Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Free Spring Cleaning Gift Pack from J & J

just click on the link below & scroll down to the bottom of the offer to fill out your mailing address (supplies are limited to the first 10, 000 people)

The gift pack includes:

• One box of Ziploc® Brand Storage Bags (quart size)

• One Scrubbing Bubbles® Toilet Cleaning Gel

• One pouch of Pledge® Multi Surface Wipes

Free Dunkin Donuts sample of Turbo coffee

Dunkin Donuts has a new sample waiting for you called Dunkin Turbo.  Click on this link to get your sample while they last  thanks Frugal Bug for letting us know about this sample

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Emergen C sample & recipe

 Do you want to get your drink on?    Then click here  pick the sample of your choice.  Try one of these, fruity, delicious drink recipes, made even more nutritious thanks to Emergen-C vitamin drink mixes. Click on your favorite recipe to get your Free Emergen-C Recipe Kit and samples of Emergen-C drink mixes

Stick it to me Tuesday