I never really thought of myself as a clutter bug... but apparently I am! After losing my job 2 years ago I thought I would have all the time in the world to organize the drawers and closets. Boy was I wrong. I have all these ideas and plans to make the paperwork on my desk disappear and the mail on the kitchen ledge be gone but I always seem to get side tracked with something else. Lately I have been watching Clean House with Neicy Nash (she cracks me up) some of those houses on that show make mine look immaculate.
A friend of mine had given me the audio Cd's of It's All Too Much by Peter Walsh. I haven't had the time to listen to them but I will eventually. He recently was on I think the Rachael Ray show. I only caught a few minutes of it but it really did make me think if I really needed all this stuff or is it something underlying in my self conscious that I am unaware of. I sat around most of the day yesterday while it was snowing looking at others blogs, I did go out and shovel and build a snowman with my kids but I feel guilty today because I should have been cleaning. I could have done a ton of things around the house but I have no drive or motivation. Today my husband and I spent hours cleaning the house. No big projects or anything just the usual cleaning of the bathrooms,vacuuming and dusting. I spent nearly 2 hours cleaning off my dresser with all the mail and paperwork I took off the kitchen ledge. I think it took so long because I had to keep bring that paperwork into other areas of the house and then I would get side tracked for a few minutes. UUGGHH this will never end.
Anyway, I am making a commitment to myself to de-clutter a little bit each day. But I am not telling my husband. He is always om my case. The house is clean as far as floors, dishes, garbage, laundry but I just have alot of stuff in every cabinet, closet, drawer, laundry room and tv room. I have a hard time parting with things because you never know when your going to need it and why spend money on buying a new one. Right?
Saturday, February 27, 2010
Free Sample Trusted Trio P & G Cleaning Products
Go to the Proctor & Gamble website to snag your free sample of the Trusted Trio. http://pgpro.com/Default.aspx?tabid=234 You will get Spic & Span 3 in 1, Comet bathroom, and a Mr. Clean Magic eraser. Just join to receive their newsletter amd then click on the tab at the right that says Order a free trial kit. Last week I was able to order a 3 piece Febreeze sample set.
Wednesday, February 24, 2010
Dinnertime Wars
I hate dinnertime!! HATE HATE HATE!! IF it were up to me I would just make myself some scrambled eggs or eat a big bowl of cereal. Mr. amazing is the cook around here (Thank god) and he really does try his best to accomodate us all because we are very picky. (Not him) My first born is a fast food junkie, fried, buttered and fattening and my little diva loves all pasta, rice, and broccoli. Who eats sauce who doesn't,, who likes cheese who doesn't and the list goes on and on. My first born only starting eating hamburger about a year ago and since then we got him to try meatballs without sauce, meatloaf and some steaks. The little diva would rather die than eat meat. (unless its chicken nuggets or cutlets)
Anyway Mr. amazing made yellow rice with onions (you can barely see), chorizo, and threw in some sauteed chicken. He also made a cumin rubbed flank steak that was delish! He made both kids try a piece of the steak...first born says" it tastes funny."..little diva says "awesome"! She likes spicy and it was very tender. When first born sees the yellow rice had the chicken in it before even tryig it...he said "dinner tonight is horrible" Most days we make a separate dinner for us and separate dinners for the kids. We eat together every night but its so hard to mak all that food. Very rare do we eat the same things unless its pizza.
First born tried picking the chicken apart with his fingers to get the yellow stuff off. The chicken was soooo plain. He thought the rice was too wet. Well now he is in his room gagging on his tears because he is so stubborn he would rather starve. Mr. amazing started yelling at him I was yelling at him. He was acting like a big baby eating with his fingers like a caveman. So now my night that was starting to look promising with relaxtion and time with Mr. amazing has heated my stress lvels back up. Because now he will stay awake until at least midnight crying how hungry he is and Mr. amazing will not let him eat unless its the dinner he doesn't like. As a mom I don't want to see my kid hungry. I would just make him something else. I knew I should have told Mr. amazing to separate all his food...I should have known better that this would happen. UUUGGGHHHH I hate dinnertime because it's always a war
Dinnertime has got to change before I choke someone. I told little diva that from now on If i have to make grilled chicken evey night that is what they are going to eat. No more chicken nuggets and french fries
Anyway Mr. amazing made yellow rice with onions (you can barely see), chorizo, and threw in some sauteed chicken. He also made a cumin rubbed flank steak that was delish! He made both kids try a piece of the steak...first born says" it tastes funny."..little diva says "awesome"! She likes spicy and it was very tender. When first born sees the yellow rice had the chicken in it before even tryig it...he said "dinner tonight is horrible" Most days we make a separate dinner for us and separate dinners for the kids. We eat together every night but its so hard to mak all that food. Very rare do we eat the same things unless its pizza.
First born tried picking the chicken apart with his fingers to get the yellow stuff off. The chicken was soooo plain. He thought the rice was too wet. Well now he is in his room gagging on his tears because he is so stubborn he would rather starve. Mr. amazing started yelling at him I was yelling at him. He was acting like a big baby eating with his fingers like a caveman. So now my night that was starting to look promising with relaxtion and time with Mr. amazing has heated my stress lvels back up. Because now he will stay awake until at least midnight crying how hungry he is and Mr. amazing will not let him eat unless its the dinner he doesn't like. As a mom I don't want to see my kid hungry. I would just make him something else. I knew I should have told Mr. amazing to separate all his food...I should have known better that this would happen. UUUGGGHHHH I hate dinnertime because it's always a war
Dinnertime has got to change before I choke someone. I told little diva that from now on If i have to make grilled chicken evey night that is what they are going to eat. No more chicken nuggets and french fries
Free Purex 3 in 1
How would you like to try the new Purex Complete 3 in 1? Well here is your chance to try it before you buy it. Click here http://www.trypurex.com/Purex_3-in-1_Free_Sample/ to have your sample sent to you.
Tuesday, February 23, 2010
Stick it to me Tuesday
I think I am going to start Stick it to me Tuesday sort of like other blogs with their post it note Tuesdays. These days I just feel like everyone is trying to stick it to me. So her goes my first sticky notes
I'm a winner!!!
OMG!!! I can't believe it. I just won 2 giveaways this week from blogs that I follow. I feel like the father in the movie the Christmas Story when he receives the grand prize of the Leg Lamp. I have only been blogging for about a month or so and I just started entering some giveaways last week. When I first started putting entries in I was like.."man this contests seem like alot of work and time. You have to go to the product site, follow on twitter & facebook, blog about the giveaway non my blog, add button etc etc. Then you have to list a comment for everything you did. I think it took me about 20 minutes to put my entries in for one giveaway and I didn't even do everything for the extra entries like getting the bloggers newsletters or following on facebook. Well I guess the time I put into it paid off because I AM A WINNER baby!!
My first prize was the Fairytale Brownies giveaway from the CakeMom's blog and I just got the email this morning that I won the Flirty Apron giveaway on Moms Balancing act blog. I can't wait to get my swag!!! When I receive my prizes I will post up some pics
My first prize was the Fairytale Brownies giveaway from the CakeMom's blog and I just got the email this morning that I won the Flirty Apron giveaway on Moms Balancing act blog. I can't wait to get my swag!!! When I receive my prizes I will post up some pics
Monday, February 22, 2010
Free Olay Total Efects Body Wash
Click on this website to request your free sample of Olay Total Effects Body Wash from Walmart
Wednesday, February 17, 2010
Am I Old or is my 1st born getting big
I can' believe it that I said yes. My first born is 11 and a half he is going to the movies today with a friend to see Wolfman. They are getting dropped off by his friends mother. He just asked me if he can go get a slice a pizza afterwards at the pizza place a few doors down. I said yes. Am I crazy? Is this the age I have to start letting go? The movie theatre is only about 8 blocks from my house (in walking distance) Whats next hanging out at the mall? NOT!!
Tuesday, February 16, 2010
Free Full Size bottle of Pantene
Get a free full-size Pantene Nature Fusion Smooth Vitality from Vocalpoint. Just log in and go to try and tells in the right hand corner. Confirm your mailing address (if you are a member already) andt hey will mail you a sample and want you to return to complete a short product review survey. You should receive your bottle of shampoo within 4 to 6 weeks.
Not a member of Vocalpoint yet? Register for Vocalpoint here at http://www.vocalpoint.com/ and start getting all kinds of samples and coupons in your mailbox - it's easy to try new things and they ask for you to provide optional feedback.
Friday, February 12, 2010
Valentine treats for my sweethearts
This year I decided I don't want to go out for Valentine's Day. Going out to eat doesn't seem to be a treat anymore to me. I guess because we were going out so often. I am not in the mood for anything special and we are trying to watch our weight. My husband is an awesome cook and I would rather have him cook dinner than go out to some overpriced restaurant that we will wait forever and the food will just be mediocre. I have also decided to make my kids homeade treats instead of buying some boxed candy heart that will end up in the trash anyway. They are picky (just like mom) and I have noticed that they really enjoy the 100 calorie pack chocolate covered pretzels and fight over who will eat the last package....so I am going to make them my own chocolate covered pretzels. Is that being cheap? I am going to the craft store to get nice boxes and I am going to make the pretzels with sprinkles, m&m's, and non pareils candies. I don't think its less expensive than buying boxed candy but at least its something they will enjoy espcially since it will be made with all my love! My husband on the other hand is a different story. He is one of the hardest people I ever have to shop for. He never wants or asks for anything. Since we are trying to watch our weight I am going to make a box of weight watcher candies and hostess 100 calorie cakes. I usually buy a few of these a week since he likes something sweet after dinner. I am fresh out of ideas. I am also in charge of dessert for Valentine's dinner...I think I will just make my now famous chocolate cake.
Would you like a free sample of Fekkai glossing cream? Well head on over to http://instoresnow.walmart.com/enhancedrendercontent_ektid83531.aspx and grab your free sample. Courtesy of Walmart
Thursday, February 11, 2010
Free bottle of Excedrin coupon

Wednesday, February 10, 2010
Nothing much to talk about
It's been a while since I wrote anything lately to post. Usually I have a ton of things going on to talk about. There is never a dull moment in my life. It seems all I have been doing lately is tryng to find freebies and samples to post on this blog. Maybe I have writers block or something or maybe I am just better at posting up simple things. I did go to the mall the other day and scored my samples from Victoria Secret. They were 3 sample vials of Pink perfume. I haven't tried them yet because I have been sick with a head and chest cold and I can't smell or taste. I have been filling out so many forms for samples and contests I hope they will pay off in a few weeks. I will post pics of all my swag when they come in the mail.
We were snowed in today and school was cancelled. Yay me!!! We really didn't do much. I let the kids rent a movie on Pay per view and they went outside to play in the snow. It was funny watching my neighbor try to white wash my daughter. I stayed in because I think I have strep throat. My amazing husband did all the shoveling. He is so wonderful. (I really am a Princess in disguise)
We were snowed in today and school was cancelled. Yay me!!! We really didn't do much. I let the kids rent a movie on Pay per view and they went outside to play in the snow. It was funny watching my neighbor try to white wash my daughter. I stayed in because I think I have strep throat. My amazing husband did all the shoveling. He is so wonderful. (I really am a Princess in disguise)
Aveeno Nourish & Haircare freebie
If you would like to try a sample of Aveeno Nourish & Hair care click on this link fill out the questionare and you sample will be on its way!!! https://secure.startsampling.com/sm/101071/quickQuestion.iphtml?item=101071&source=aveeno.com
Tuesday, February 9, 2010
Free Brad Paisley music download
Letter to Me download http://www.goodhousekeeping.com/family/brad-paisley-download This freebie is from Good Housekeeping.
Monday, February 8, 2010
Flirty Apron Giveaway
If you like to cook or maybe you want to learn to cook wouldnt it be nice to look pretty in the kitchen? Check out this website htttp://www.momsbalancingact.com she is offering a contest to give one of these sassy aprons away! If you would like to see a bigger selection or if you can't wait to see if your a winner then head on over to http://www.flirtyaprons.com/ and see what they have to offer.
Free Burts Bees toothpaste sample
http://www.burtsbees.com/u/root-free-toothpaste-samples.html I found this freebie on Frugal Living and having fun website I like to read. (Thanks for posting Frugal Living) Just go to the Burts bees website and register for your free sample.
Sunday, February 7, 2010
Victoria Secret Freebie
Beginning February 9, 2010, bring the March 2010 cover of Seventeen magazine or a printout of the http://www.seventeen.com/ home page to any participating Victoria’s Secret store to receive a Life is PINK Deluxe Fragrance Sampler (three fragrances, created specially for Seventeen readers). Twenty-five thousand (25,000) will be given away.
I'm going to get mine even if I have to bring 5 kids to the mall!
Friday, February 5, 2010
Mommy Calling cards for $1.99
http://www.vistaprint.com/ you ever met another mother at school or through a mutual friend and exchanged phone numbers for playdates? Some of you already know that I have had a mommy calling card for a few years. I had them printed up after eading about them in a magazine. Mommy Cards Are Business Cards for Busy Moms! Are you a busy mom who’s always on the go? Check out Vistaprint’s mommy contact cards. They’re the hippest, easiest way to share your contact info! Give to coaches, teachers, other parents and babysitters. Put your contact, emergency, child’s allergy and other info. Add a photo for a personal touch. Select from a variety of layouts and design options.
Thursday, February 4, 2010
Free Pretzel Day at Auntie Anne's 2/20/10 10-3 pm
Who Doesn't LOVE Auntie Anne's Pretzels??? I just received this in my inbox...FREE PRETZEL DAY at Auntie Anne's Saturday 2/20/10 from 10-3pm. I don't know about you but I will be bringing my kids to get their free cinnamon sugar pretzels(our fave)...Thanks a bunch Auntie Anne's
Wednesday, February 3, 2010
Free gift set at Sephora
FREE 3 piece Gift Set at Sephora with ANY purchase! No minimum amount required just enter the
code:VDAYSETS at checkout! This is a great freebie!! I think I am going to order a nail polish so I can try out the Versace gift.
I found this freebie offer at http://savvycouponmommy.blogspot.com/ Thanks very much for posting this Savvy Mommy!
code:VDAYSETS at checkout! This is a great freebie!! I think I am going to order a nail polish so I can try out the Versace gift.
I found this freebie offer at http://savvycouponmommy.blogspot.com/ Thanks very much for posting this Savvy Mommy!
Free PAncakes at IHOP
IHOP is offering a free short stack of yummy pancakes on 2/23/10 (National Pancake Day) All they ask is if you would consider making a donation to the Children's Miracle Network or other local charity.
Go here for this offer:
Monday, February 1, 2010
FYI P.F. Changs Giveaway
Just wanted to let everyone know that Melissa from http://www.savingcentswithsense.net/ is doing a giveaway if you would like to check out her site and leave a comment for an entry to win a $50.00 gift card.
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